
Combined Price $43.22; Club Member Price $33.22

Lights Out (322 pages, hardback)
Shakedown (240 pages, paperback)

Free speech is the whole thing, the whole ball game. Free speech is life itself.
Salman Rushdie, quoted in Lights Out: Islam, Free Speech And The Twilight Of The West

Free speech is in greater peril around the free world every day, thanks to a misbegotten alliance between utopian progressives and Islamic imperialists. Together they've waged a sustained assault on individual freedom at the international, national and local levels, from Saskatchewan to Scandinavia to the UN "Human Rights" Council. Stay up to speed as the lamps of liberty flicker ever more dimly in the citadels of the west with the SteynOnline Free Speech Special - two great reads in one great package for one bargain price: Mark's book Lights Out plus the paperback edition of Ezra Levant's bestselling Shakedown, with an introduction by Steyn.

In 2007, two cases brought the Canadian state's war on free speech to international attention: the Steyn/Maclean's case over America Alone before the Canadian, British Columbia and Ontario "human rights" commissions, and the Ezra Levant/Western Standard case over the Danish cartoons before the Alberta "human rights" commission. Steyn and Levant became Canada's contribution to a global phenomenon - the increasing tension between Islam and liberty.

In Lights Out: Islam, Free Speech And The Twilight Of The West, Mark republishes all the essays Mohamed Elmasry, the Canadian Islamic Congress and their enablers in Canada's disgusting "human rights" regime attempted to criminalize, along with new material responding to his accusers. Roaming from North America to Europe and beyond, Lights Out also takes a stand against the broader erosion of free speech around the west, and the advance of a creeping totalitarian "multiculturalism" in alliance with a resurgent Islam.

In Shakedown, Ezra Levant provides his own perspective as a combatant against the left's war on human rights and its promotion of pseudo-rights, from the "human right" of McDonald's employees not to wash their hands after using the bathroom to the "human right" of an emotionally unstable transsexual to counsel female rape victims, despite the objections of those victims. With an introduction by Steyn, the brand new paperback edition of this book brings together two of Canada's most prominent freespeechers in an eloquent argument for the restoration of ancient liberties.

There's never been a free-speech double-play like this one: From the Shakedown to the Lights Out, Steyn and Levant mark the stages of decline, and of a descent into a soft beguiling totalitarianism. Order all two books together from SteynOnline for one low price, and, just to perk you up, we'll throw in Mark's holiday CD Gingerbread And Eggnog and one of our exclusive SteynOnline greeting cards, personally autographed to your loved one. And don't forget, the Flagrant Islamophobe Steyn will be happy to autograph both books to you or your loved one in his own disgustingly flagrant manner.
